Sunday, May 22, 2011

Today’s Human transformational mind.

Significant uncertainty is the main probable factor for the transformation of human mind. Day in day out, the hurdles of global non-reparation around with so many causes and diaphragm of it makes a long distance bewildered mind.

Purpose, Growth, Need, Behavior, Certainty, etc are probably few of the reasons and causes of dilemma in everyday life. The need of growth and its purpose of moving forward with new values and ideology, but of what? More than need it’s all about adaptation of global infinity. The immortal growth of development in different phases of human needs can be the most accused form of dilemma in mind. The adaptation and re-adaptation of changes which are quite often in today’s fundamental policy of experimentation, is making life more on a scale of thin string where today you are, tomorrow, might not be!

When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves. ~Victor Frankl

This is probably the most simplest revolutionary line which we every day face and turns off. This transformation of human mind is not only a question on the global changes but also on the periphery of human believes. It seems like an unending process of development, but out of which the percentage of human stability is losing out.